Death Valley

We stayed in Death Valley National Park for a few days. Awesome!!

We stayed in the park at Furnace Creek Campground. Thought we would be dry camping (no electric, water or sewer) but were pleasantly surprised when they offered us a full hookup.

First day we visited man-made wonder – Scotty’s Castle.  Scotty’s Castle is a mansion built by millionaire Albert Johnson in the 1920’s.  Johnson was a creative engineer/inventor who designed and built this lavish and extremely comfortable winter vacation home in the middle of the extreme dessert.


This guy was sneaking around as we were leaving Scotty’s Castle. We were going to have lunch at some picnic tables near the parking lot but he was a bit too close and interested in our food – so we ate in the car.


The next day we visited Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America at 282 feet below sea level.


Natural Bridge Canyon.


The Devil’s Golf Course


And my favorite – Artists Drive. I had no idea rocks and mountains could have so much variety and color.


Finally some shots of the mountains from our campsite.


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