
Today we visited a unique and charming town on old Route 66, Oatman, AZ. We have been there several times before but it is always fun. Oatman was originally a mining town in the 1800s and and had its ups and downs over the years, Today it is restored in a way that combines its old west history and its early 20th century route 66 history. It is located in the middle of nowhere is Southwest Arizona but is busy with tourist visitors. One unique feature of Oatman is the wild burros that wander around town mingling with the tourists and looking for a handout. We had a fun visit as expected.






On the way home we came upon some people who had gotten their van/camper stuck in the loose sand on the side of the road (bottomed out and really wedged in good). Bill came to the rescue with his tow strap an mighty jeep !

Uh Oh !!


Let’s hook up the jeep and pull



Will it work??



Making progress



Out of the ditch. Hurray!!



Back in business. Stay on the pavement from now on!!!


Hot Springs

We visited Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas.

Hot Springs is famous for the elegant bath houses that were frequented by many Americans years ago. The natural thermal, mineral rich water in the area was thought to have the ability to heal many ailments and people came by the thousands to relax and be healed. Many of the bath houses have been restored and are fun to see.








We took a walk on the “Grand Promenade”




And had lunch at Superior Bathhouse Brewery which is located in one of the old bathhouses.




We decided to stop in Memphis, TN only because it was on the way to our final destination in Arizona. I had no idea what a rich history this city has.

Memphis is located on the Mississippi River. The campground where we stayed is located right on the river in West Memphis (which is actually in Arkansas).

Mississippi River as seen from our campground


Many famous musicians had their start or spent time in Memphis.

Elvis Statue in Memphis


We Had Lunch Here






We took the “Big Mojo” bus tour. The tour guide played music along the way.

Tour Guid on Big Mojo tour


One stop on the tour was Sun Studio where we got to stand in the studio where Elvis, Johnny Cash, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, and other famous musicians recorded. Great visit!!

Sun Studios


A great story from Sun Studios is the recording of “Rocket 88”.  On the trip to Memphis a guitar amp was damaged when it fell off the band’s truck. When they got to the studio they repaired it by stuffing newspaper inside to hold the loose parts in place. This caused the guitar sound to be strangely distorted but they used it anyway. It was the first example of distortion or fuzz guitar and was a big hit. The repaired amp is in the upstairs museum at Sun Studio.

Guitar Amp From Rocket 88 Recording


Rocket 88


I got to pose with the very microphone that was used by Elvis and many others who recorded there.

Mary Ann – Rock Star



Memphis was also at the heart of the Civil Rights Movement and is the location of the National Civil Rights Museum. What an incredible experience. If you ever have the chance to visit Memphis do not miss this. In addition to all the wonderful exhibits that tell the story of racial struggles in our country it is also the location of the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King was assassinated.





One last site we saw in Memphis was a giant Bass Pro Shop store that is designed as a big glass pyramid.




On the road again

We are out for another long trip with, hopefully, many interesting stops along the way. We left home on October 14 and will be arriving in Earp, CA on November 1. We’ll be there for 5 months. After that we plan to wander a bit during the month of April and spend May in the Orlando area to visit Mickey. Back home in June.