
Our travels will keep us away from home for a long time. Over the years we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff.  So we’re purging!

We sold our toys.

1) My car.  Can’t tow it 4 wheels down, so taking the Subaru. Take good care of it Bob & Judy (and enjoy!).


2) The boat. What fun we’ve had boating over the years. We’ll have our Kayaks with us on our journeys.


3) And the scooter. Bill will miss it.



And we finally emptied the trash!!

Accumulated a lot of junk (and I do mean junk!) in our house over the last  35-plus years. With the help of our son, Greg, and our good friend, Debi, we filled this 30 yard dumpster to the brim with trash from our basement and attic (yikes!).  Thank you Greg & Debi! We filled another one last spring and probably still have enough to do it again (but I think that will have to wait for our return sometime in the future).


Will we get to Portland for Xmas?

Last day of work is Nov 7, 2014. We plan to hit the road on 11/15.  We are hoping to make it to the Wilsons for Xmas. Not a leisurely journey but not super-rushed either (we have 6 weeks). We plan to take the ‘southern route’ (down the east coast to route 10, across to route 5 in CA, and up to Portland). This could change depending on weather. Luckily Bill is one of the world’s best weather forecasters.

First Leg
First Leg